The Anglo-Danish Society

About Us


His Majesty King Charles III & HM King Frederik X of Denmark

Protector of the Scholarship Programme:

HRH The Duchess of Gloucester GCVO

Honorary President:

HE René Dinesen, R -  The Danish Ambassador to the Court of St James's 

Honorary Vice President:

Kate Sanderson, Head of Representation of the Faroe Islands in the UK

Honorary Members:

Dame Judi Dench, CH, DBE, FRSA
Sandi Toksvig, OBE

Officers and Members of Council:

Wayne Harber OBE, K (Chairman)

Palle Baggesgaard Pedersen, R (Vice Chairman)

Alan Davey FCMA, CGMA (Honorary Treasurer)

Katie Schwarck (Scholarship Secretary)

Lone Mohr Curtis (Honorary Secretary)

Philip Waterfield (Membership Secretary)

Christine Bergstedt

William Scott

Phil Chambers


Lone Britt Christensen, Cultural Attaché, Royal Danish Embassy, London

Connie Yilmaz Jantzen, General Manager, Danish KFUK, London

Gunnar Papendick Larsen, Director of The Danish-UK Association

Karsten Møller Hansen, Pastor of The Danish Church in London

Web maintenance :

William Scott

Editor of Newsletter :

Palle Baggesgaard Pedersen, R


Scholarship Committee:

Katie Schwarck (Chair) - as above

Lone Britt Christensen - as above

Dr Kristian Jensen R, FSA - former Head of Collections & Curation, British Library, London

Wayne Harber - as above

Professor Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen, Professor of Scandinavian and Comparative Literature, University College London