Painting by Hans Nikolaj Hansen
When: Tuesday 9 June 2020 from 16.30 - 18.30
Where: Royal Danish Embassy, 55 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9SR
'Genforeningen' marks the centenary of the 1920 reunification after plebiscites of the most Southern part of Denmark which had been under German rule since the war in 1864. King Christian X rode across the old border on his white horse as a symbol of peace.
We will celebrate the joyous event with an interesting talk (in English) by Guest speaker Knud-Erik Therkelsen who is Secretary General of the Danish Border Association (Grænseforeningen). Previously he taught at a folk high school and was Principal of Højskolen Østersøen.
"The Danish Border Association was founded in 1920 and has supported the Danish minority in Southern Schleswig financially and with information and co operates with the German minority in South Jutland, warmly supporting trans border co-operation."
Southern Denmark is famous for their traditional Sønderjysk Kaffebord. We will serve an updated version with savoury delicacies along with the tea, coffee and will have wine available should you prefer.
Price: £13 members / £15 non-members
Bookings & Enquiries: Bette Broyd, Honorary Secretary
Paying for Events, Membership or Making Donations
Direct Bank Transfer to:
The Anglo-Danish Society National Westminster Bank
Sort Code 55-70-13 Account No: 78325285
Please mark your payment with your name and event for easy identification.
IBAN code: GB43 NWBK 5570 1378 3252 85 (Payer’s AC to pay bank fees, please.)
Paid up members only can pay by cheque made out to ‘Anglo-Danish Society’ and send to
Mr Alan Davey, Hon. Treasurer, 40 Princes Way, Hutton, Brentwood CM13 2JW