The Anglo-Danish Society

Past Events

Princess Olga Romanoff talks : 25 March 6pm

The Anglo-Finnish Society has kindly invited us to a talk with Princess Olga Romanoff.

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An Artist who Fascinates me : Social Zoom Event - 23 March 5pm

Pablo Picasso, Per Kirkeby, Francis Bacon, Michael Kvium, Damian talk about our favourite artists!

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Film: Love Child - 17 March 7pm

Love Child - A refugee documentary finds love and warmth amid the misery.

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International Womens Day : 8 March 7pm

Sophie Poldermans discussing he book, Seducing and Killing Nazis.

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Imperialistic Art - 25 February at 6.00 pm

The Anglo-Finnish Society invites us to their Zoom talk on Imperialistic Art.

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Authors : Social Zoom Event - 23 February at 5pm

Lets meet online for a drink and discussion about authors we have enjoyed in our lifetime. We are also pleased to share with you a cloud recording of this event.

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An Evening with Scandinavian Authors - 10 February at 8pm

For this Zoom event the panel will be chaired by Lone Theils. Joining Lone we welcome, Eva Björg Ægisdóttir, Heidi Amsinck, Stefan Ahnhem, Dorthe Nors, Agnete Friis and Yrsa Sigurdardottir. This is a free virtual event in partnership with DKUK.

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Tour of The Danish Embassy, London - 21 January 3pm

Kom med museumsdirektør Karen Grøn (Trapholt, Kolding) til London, når hun virtuelt besøger den danske ambassade i London; tegnet af en af Danmarks største arkitekter Arne Jacobsen.

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year - Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår

We look forward to a fresh start in 2021, hopefully with fewer Covid-19 restrictions where we can once again meet both new and old members virtually as well as in person.

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Application for a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is now open

Good news for EU citizens and their family members in the UK. Finally, the application for a free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is open. You can find out more details here:

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