The Anglo-Danish Society

Past Events

Celebration of HM Queen Margrethes Birthday - 21 April 2023

Our friends at DKUK has invited Anglo-Danish Society members to join them to at a celebratory dinner in honour of HM Queen Margrethe.

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Explore Spitalfields - 13 April 2023 11am

City of London Guide Grethe Hauge will take us on an interesting walking tour of Spitalfields.

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Book Event - 6 March 2023 6pm till 9 pm

"Queen Alexandra : Loyalty and Love" A Book Event with the author, Frances Dimond

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Danish Christmas Bazaar 2022 - 26/27 November

Welcome to the traditional Danish Christmas Bazaar at The Danish YWCA in Hampstead

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Christmas Lunch and Carol Service - 24 November 12.15 hrs

Danish Christmas Lunch in The Danish Church.

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Student Section Reunion - 15 November 5pm onwards

Reunion of The Anglo-Danish Student Section which was formed 70 years ago. The Student Section was later renamed GREAT DANE and was a unique weekly meeting place in 56 Davies Street for young Danes and Brits.

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Whitsun Lunch : 8 June 12 noon 2022

Pinse Whitsun Lunch at EKTE Nordic Kitchen

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