The Anglo-Danish Society

Book Event - 6 March 2023 6pm till 9 pm

‘Queen Alexandra: Loyalty and Love’

A Book Event with the author, Frances Dimond

To be held on Monday, 6th March 2023 from 6pm – 9pm, at

The Civil Service Club, 13-15 Great Scotland Yard, London, SW1A 2HJ

A significant link exists between The Anglo-Danish Society and Queen Alexandra. The Society was founded on 17th December 1924 with the encouragement of the Queen, formerly Princess Alexandra of Denmark and the eldest daughter of Denmark’s King Christian IX, who married Queen Victoria’s son and heir, King Edward VII. On 10th March 2023 it will have been exactly 160 years since the then Princess Alexandra married King Edward VII and became Queen Alexandra.

Queen Alexandra was the first to sign the Society’s guestbook in April 1925. She died at Sandringham in November that same year.

Frances Dimond is a member of the Anglo-Danish Society and has a keen interest in Queen Alexandra. She has spent many years researching her book, including in the Royal Archives, determined to attempt to rectify the negative or dismissive attitude towards Queen Alexandra which had gained credence in some other works. Her book aims to show the Queen’s true character and accomplishments.

We shall meet up on Monday, 6th March 2023 at 6pm for a talk about Queen Alexandra by Frances Dimond, followed by a Q&A session about the book and the Queen.

At about 7.30pm, a finger buffet will be served with refreshments when we can mingle and catch-up.

Frances Dimond will also be selling – and signing - her book at a very favourable price of £20 each on the night.

Tickets are £30 per person for members and £35 per person for non-members.

Should you have any questions about this event, please contact Lone Mohr Curtis via We would be grateful if you could please sign up - and pay for - your attendance at this event by no later than 1st March 2023.

Payments should be made by bank transfer to our account: Sort Code: 55-70-13, account number: 78325285. Please use your name and the event as references for your payment. 

We are looking forward to seeing you.


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